Mad Liberals
Biden's Love Letter to Obama

Joe Biden’s Debate Night Notes

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Adjective > Negative
Adjective > Old or Out of Touch
Adjective > Incompetent
Adjective > Able to be Understood
Adjective >
Noun > Obama Scandal
Adjective > Describing Bernie Sanders
Adjective > Negative
Adjective > Positive

Joe Biden’s Debate Night Notes

Joe Biden’s Debate Night Notes

IMPORTANT: Don’t make mention of the things that my son Hunter did...I mean is accused of. As a , remember not to come off as too . A human being is going to win this election, so be sure to double down no matter how it sounds. No matter what, it is always Trump’s fault. Make sure you bring up that amazing deal that you and Barack did, how about . That was such an amazing deal way better than anything Donald can come up with. Remember to tell people that you support Universal Health Care and Free College like that guy that I stole the Primary from. Today’s Democrats love pandering to Antifa and rioters, so be sure to call Law Enforcement at least once. You will only be as a Democratic nominee if you kneel during the national anthem.

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