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Adjective > (Hint: Negative)
Adjective > (Negative)
Noun > (Enemy nation)
Number >
Name > (Radical Democrat)
Noun > (Friendly Nation)
Number >
Name > (Member of 'The Squad')
Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address
Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address
My fellow Americans, I want to thank you for putting your faith in me and electing me as your next president. I owe a great deal of thanks to big tech, if it wasn’t for their censorship of stories about my son Hunter, I might not have made it past the primaries. As your next President, I promise to return to the way things were before President Trump was in office. For starters, we will no longer take a confrontational approach, and will appease regardless of how much they hate our country or our allies. Construction on the border wall ends now! Even though I voted for miles of fencing while I was in the Senate, I now realize how wrong I was to think our country needed secure borders. Going one step further, I’ll work with to craft an open-door immigration policy. I have also begun talks with to rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal. I know Iran constantly chants ‘death to America,’ but it’s just empty political promises...I would know, I am a Democrat! I also look forward to working across the political divide. From radical leftists, to moderate Democrats, you will all have a voice in my administration (Just no Republicans!!!). I also plan to follow in President Roosevelt’s footsteps to expand the Supreme Court to Justices. Who knows, we might just see on the court sometime soon. I look forward to serving as your Commander-In-Chief, and will do my best to make those Conservatives pay for the Trump presidency. God bless you and God bless America.
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