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Adjective > Negative
Name > Name of a Founding Father
Name > Foreign County
Adjective > Synonym for Annoying
Noun > Something of Value
Number > Large
Name > Corrupt Foreign Leader
Hunter Biden’s Email To Joe Biden
Hunter Biden’s Email To Joe Biden
Hey dad, I have good and bad news to share with you. I met with Vadym Pozharskiy yesterday -- you know, theadvisor for Burisma -- and he very much wants to meet with you at thestatue in Washington D.C. next week! I told him that might be tough, but I think we might be able to squeeze it in after our board meeting in. He is excited to have us… I mean me, on the board of Burisma so we can get rid of thatprosecutor who is going to start looking into the company. I appreciate you helping me out here, I can’t believe they let me on the board of Burisma despite my lack of any oil and gas or Ukraine expertise, guess it pay$$$ to be a Biden! Anyway, Vadym said he will have thefor you when you two meet in Washington as a token of his appreciation. Don't worry, I made sure to tell him you only accept gifts over $for this type of work, so he won’t waste your time. Let’s try to keep this as secret as possible as there’s a clear conflict of interest (who cares, we’re getting rich!). Now onto the bad news… While I was hanging out withover the weekend, I broke my laptop and will need to get it fixed. Do you know of any good computer repair shops in Wilmington? Love, Hunter
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